REIFY Approach
The artful transformation of DEI learning transcends science; integrating theory and data without being bound by them. The goal of a REIFY learning experience is to stimulate critical thinking, expand awareness, and drive growth. Anchored in interactive theater, the REIFY Team nurtures consciousness, empathy, and camaraderie across differences, helping leaders see what's possible in each other.
Our Principles of Experiential Learning
We ensure all voices are heard.
We provide space to speak truth to power and share it.
We honor different perspectives AND create shared meaning.
Our learning experiences are invitations for intentional self development and discovery through building community and practicing inclusion.
Explore the intersection of communication and diversity, equity and inclusion best practices.
Discovery Threshold
We bring discovery into the classroom and into hearts and minds.
Disarming Discomfort Through Discovery
​​Expand Awareness
Activate Critical thinking
Support a Growth Mindset